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January 25, 2025


Screened on Shudder.

One might think for what I decided is tied for my favorite film of 2024, I would have more to say about it. That other film, Strange Darling, I did have a few things to say about, but MadS has basically left me speechless. I'm not in awe to the point I can't speak, that's silly and not what I'm implying. But it's such an experience however that I don't want to ruin anyone else's possible and personal "experience" of their own. What I can say is that similar viewpoints and opinions from others, be they from critics or everyday movie buffs, is what got me to finally sit down and watch this.

I'm generally fine with subtitles, but I haven't been in the right mood or headspace of late to want to dive in on this one, it being a French film. Then I saw the running time, and was reminded this film is meant to be one shot from beginning to end (and supposedly filmed that way, though I don't really believe it was shot in one take, which is different from looking like it's just one shot). So, I gave it a chance, and there's something slightly satisfying about the top spot (shared or not) of my faves for the year sliding in at the last moment.

Ah yes, the question that usually results from my confused readers - "OK cool, but what the hell is it about?" Again, don't want to say much, but to at least provide an idea of the vibe, well it's similar to Strange Darling in its unorthodox story structure. Its also very fast-paced, flying by faster than you may realize in the moment. A general description of MadS would be its basically running 75% on Good Time/Run Lola Run/Uncut Gems vibes, and about 25% of a zombie horror film? The latter seems to be the general consensus but it felt more action/thriller than horror to me, despite it containing obvious elements of the genre.

MadS is fun, unpredictable, frantic, and just a damn good jolt of cinematic energy that came at the right time for me, and if you like this style of film, it will likely be the same for you. Highly recommended.

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Thanks, bruh.

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