January 25, 2025

Screened at Festival Theaters, Palm Springs, California.
Just because a film is about a ghost, doesn't mean it's going to be a horror film. Luckily I understood that going in, and so should most everyone else. I truly do not understand the criticisms about this aspect, or even the conversation to begin with. Horror and fear do not factor in Presence, and for me that's what made this a unique and strong experience. The angle they took is quite refreshing, even when it's not executed as perfectly as one would expect from Steven Soderbergh, one of my most appreciated directors. His Ocean's 11 trilogy is for me is still his crowning achievement.
The film is told from the perspective of a ghost that is residing in a home that has just been occupied by a family of four. Unlike most horror films about the supernatural, this ghost is not there to scare or haunt, but to HELP the family it's co-occupying the house with. The horrifying side of the story is not in the afterlife, but in real life. I say "horrifying" very loosely, as overall this is actually quite a pleasant film, but it's important to note because I think for some, having certain elements of a standard horror film included still will make this attractive to more adventurous, open-minded horror fans. No question though, it will not be for everyone. Patience is key.
Why is there a ghost there to help them? And who is the ghost? That's the core of the film and where your focus needs to be. That's as much as I'm going describe, because like most films it's best to go in as blind as possible. It's wisely a short one, making it very easy to digest, so waiting long to find out the full picture is not going to be a thing.
Presence is an enjoying and unique experience with a few cozy chills, good characters and performances. It may not be groundbreaking per se, but something about Soderbergh that I don't think I'll ever be able to pinpoint, other than his trademark slick and clean aesthetic, ties it all up including a satisfying ending that had me wanting to check it out again with a new perspective. Recommended.