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SEATTLE, WA - I am NOT being one of those people who say "I'm so happy Janelle is getting so much more exposure these days," as a dorky, snooty backhanded way of implying that I've been a fan of hers forever, and then despite being said "fan," I decide I don't like her anymore because she became so popular by "selling out." But I know it does sound like that when I say "I'm so happy Janelle is getting so much more exposure these days," but it is, nevertheless, a very sincere feeling because this woman is so god damn good, so god damn talented, that anything less than world domination is a complete travesty. She's basically the anti-Trump, so it's fitting beyond words that she's more known now than ever. This video and song - from her forthcoming third album - is why. Would you agree?

Dirty Computer is released April 27, 2018.


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