Was/am a big fan of ‘Friends with Money’, although never seen this director’s first few movies like ‘Walking & Talking’ (but apparently i have seen a few TV episodes of ‘Six Feet Under’ and ‘Bored to Death’ that she has directed?). Oh her name is Ms Nicole Holofcener BTW. I will say right off the bat I was surprised and happy to see Howard Stern mentioned – adoringly I might add – not once, or twice, but THREE times during the course of the movie – even mentioning specific events from the show. Especially coming from a female writer/director and mostly female cast – in this and most of the work in her career – it was nice to see preconceptions pushed aside – at least a bit. So anyway, about the movie – its fantastic. Mostly a comedy – bordering on a “female Woody Allen” – as if thats a fair comment to him or her – but it had some of his trademark style all over it. Maybe it was just the living-comfortably-in-midtown-Manhattan “type” of people that are its core, but whatever – it was its own movie in the end, spliced up into perfectly placed bits, great characters, and Ms Keener – never been better. GO SEE IT – ITS F’N SWEET – ok?